
estimate the fibre response function for use in spherical deconvolution.

syntax:     estimate_response [ options ] dwi mask response


dwi the input diffusion-weighted images.
mask the mask image of the voxels assumed to contain a single fibre population.
response the output text file where the even l, m=0 SH coefficients of the response function will be stored.


-grad encoding specify the diffusion-weighted gradient scheme used in the acquisition. The program will normally attempt to use the encoding stored in image header.
encoding the gradient encoding, supplied as a 4xN text file with each line is in the format [ X Y Z b ], where [ X Y Z ] describe the direction of the applied gradient, and b gives the b-value in units (1000 s/mm^2).
-lmax order set the maximum harmonic order to be estimated. By default, the program will use the highest possible lmax given the number of diffusion-weighted images.
order the maximum harmonic order to use.
-normalise normalise the DW signal to the b=0 image
-info display information messages.
-quiet do not display information messages or progress status.
-debug display debugging messages.
-help display this information page and exit.
-version display version information and exit.