
apply spatial transformations or reslice images.

syntax:     mrtransform [ options ] input [ input ... ] output


input [ multiples allowed ] input image to be transformed.
output the output image.


-transform transform specified the 4x4 transform to apply.
transform the transform to apply, in the form of a 4x4 ascii file.
-replace replace the current transform by that specified, rather than applying it to the current transform.
-inverse invert the specified transform before using it.
-template image reslice the input image to match the specified template image.
image the template image.
-reference image in case the transform supplied maps from the input image onto a reference image, use this option to specify the reference. Noe that this implicitly sets the -replace option.
image the reference image.
-flipx assume the transform is supplied assuming a coordinate system with the x-axis reversed relative to the MRtrix convention (i.e. x increases from right to left). This is required to handle transform matrices produced by FSL's FLIRT command. This is only used in conjunction with the -reference option.
-upsample factor reduce the output voxel size along all 3 axes by the factor specified. This is only used in conjunction with the -template option.
factor the factor by which to upsample.
-info display information messages.
-quiet do not display information messages or progress status.
-debug display debugging messages.
-help display this information page and exit.
-version display version information and exit.