average | average an image along a specific axis. |
cat_tracks | Concatenate two track files |
cleanup_ANTS_warp | clean up warp field generated by ANTS (or more specifically, WarpMultiImageTransform, replacing background voxels with NaN when they map to regions outside the original image. |
csdeconv | perform non-negativity constrained spherical deconvolution. |
dicom_filename | read a DICOM file and output a suitable filename for its storage. |
dir2amp | convert directions image to amplitudes. |
disp_profile | view spherical harmonics surface plots. |
dwi2SH | convert base diffusion-weighted images to their spherical harmonic representation. |
dwi2tensor | convert diffusion-weighted images to tensor images. |
erode | erode (or dilate) mask (i.e. binary) image |
estimate_response | estimate the fibre response function for use in spherical deconvolution. |
filter_tracks | Use regions-of-interest to select a sub-set of tracks from a given track file. |
find_SH_peaks | identify the orientations of the N largest peaks of a SH profile |
gen_ROI | generate a mask ROI with the same dimensions as the input dataset, and all voxel values set to one in the regions specified |
gen_WM_mask | generate a white matter probability mask from the DW images. |
gen_unit_warp | generate a warp field corresponding to a no-warp operation. This is useful to obtain the warp fields from other normalisation applications, by applying the warp of interest to the the warp field generated by this program. |
gendir | generate a set of directions evenly distributed over a hemisphere. |
import_tracks | convert ascii track files into MRtrix format. |
median3D | smooth images using a 3x3x3 median filter. |
mrabs | take absolute value of image intensity |
mradd | add or subtract images |
mrcat | concatenate several images into one |
mrconvert | perform conversion between different file types and optionally extract a subset of the input image. |
mrinfo | display header information |
mrmult | multiply images |
mrstats | compute images statistics. |
mrtransform | apply spatial transformations or reslice images. |
mrview | the MRtrix image viewer. |
normalise_tracks | apply a normalisation map to a tracks file. |
read_dicom | output DICOM fields in human-readable format. |
read_ximg | output XIMG fields in human-readable format. |
resample_tracks | Resample tracks so they all have the same number of samples, spaced at constant intervals within the range specified. |
sample_tracks | sample image intensity values along the tracks, producing one intensity value per point along each track. |
sdeconv | perform linear spherical deconvolution. |
select_tracks | select tracks from one or several track files. |
streamtrack | perform streamlines tracking. |
tensor2ADC | calculate map of mean apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) from diffusion tensor image. |
tensor2FA | calculate map of fractional anisotropy from diffusion tensor image. |
tensor2vector | generate map of the major eigenvector. |
tensor_metric | generate maps of tensor-derived parameters. |
threshold | create (optionally bitwise) image by thresholding image intensity. |
track_info | print out information about track file |
tracks2prob | convert a tracks file into a map of the fraction of tracks to enter each voxel. |
tracks2vtk | convert a track file to a vtk format, cave: coordinates are in XYZ coordinates not reference |
truncate_tracks | truncate a tracks file by selecting only the first N tracks. |